Primogeniture (2023)
Primogeniture is an award winning debut short film directed by Savanna Menzel. The feminist horror short follows the story of the first born daughter to a family who lost all patriarchs, leaving the only male figure a toddler. When the boy gets marked for death by a creature that stalks this city's streets, her grandmother secretly marks her to take her brother's place.
Worked As: Visual Development Artist, Concept Artist, and Layout Artist
Posters and Signage
Posters and signage as set dressing and world building for the Primogeniture world. Due a treaty with the monster in this world the town will let anyone out after 7 pm can be marked for death by the creature. The posters made relate to the curfew, the treaty, and the societal sexism the film addresses.
Character Design
The Grandmother is the head of the household after the death of her husband and son. She controls the family firmly and with focus. She is the one who makes the decision to mark her granddaughter for death in the place of the family's only son.
Character Design
The son is the main character's little brother and the only male in the household of this patriarchal society. He is a baby and has no control over the situation he is in. He is just cute and innocent.